是的. 卡森城 is already requiring these commitments with new land development projects; these projects are well suited for these new standards as there is available space to plan for the LID and stormwater infrastructure improvements.
卡森城 does not see any significant increase in maintenance or expenses related to preventative maintenance in relation to these requirements; in some instances, 通过实施LID可以减少维护需求. 适当的维护和保养仍然是确保保持足够的储存量和保留/滞留特性的关键组成部分.
This isn’t just coming from your local government; 卡森城 residents have asked for greater protection from flooding. 卡森市的新法规将LID设施的数量归功于拘留缓解量,并允许基于场地可支持的LID设计的灵活性. 最近将LID融入场地设计的一个例子是卡森市社区中心的西部停车场. 安装了一个LID渗透系统来收集新停车场的径流. 然后雨水沿着停车位的边缘渗透到地面上. 多余的水流可以继续流向下游的米尔斯公园. 卡森市将继续在新项目中纳入LID组件.